The Boudoir Studio

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lets get real : what being a boudoir photographer feels like

Alright, let's get real for a sec!

Who here hasn't had a boudoir session yet?

Confession time:I'm usually behind the camera creating those bomb images Why?

Well, let me spill the tea.

First off, being on both sides of the lens has totally changed my perspective.

I've shot 1000s of people of every shape and size, and it's given me a whole new outlook on my own body.Plus, I've mastered all the angles and lighting tricks – it's like having the ultimate selfie game on point!

and my hubs? He's seen it all, and let's just say he's a big fan of my work EVERYTIME. He always hypes me up.But what's really changed for me is how I see myself.

Rocking those cellulite and embracing my natural curves?


Ditching the full glam and still feeling like a queen?

Double check.

I've learned to be vulnerable, to embrace every side of myself, even when I'm not feeling 100%.

And you know what?

It's empowering AF.

Getting in front of someone else's camera?

That's a whole new ball game. IIt shows me angles I never could get of myself by myself and has me feeling like a total boss babe.Plus, having someone else fuss over me for once? It's a vibe. I'm usually the one hyping everyone else up, but getting that love and attention?It's a game-changer.And don't even get me started on finding the right artist.

When you vibe with your photographer, it's pure magic. They capture you in a way that feels like they've known you forever, they are like your best friend. The right one sees the REAL you and shows you the beauty in that. But with the wrong one? It's just another pic in the feed.

So yeah, finding the perfect match?

It's everything.

So, why should YOU book a boudoir sesh?

Because it's a chance to own your story, embrace your beauty, and feel like a freakin' goddess. Trust me, it's worth it. But only with the right person behind the lens.

So spill, why do YOU think a boudoir session is a must?

Let's chat in the comments!

the boudoir studio - boudoir photography - erotica photography - north carolina , tennessee , virginia