Why Boudoir Photography

Why boudoir

Some Boudoir photographers find it hard to put in words why they do what they do or how they found it or started it I'm not one of those.

Anyone who's met me or talk to me or watched my social medias for a long time knows that I know exactly the reason I do this it's not just photography not just art it's not just a photo session. For me it's just so much more people are giving me not only a slice of their time but a part of them and asking me to show them exactly what that part is. They find me in all different walks of life all lifestyles all body sizes all ages all relationships and they come to me wanting to change something and not in a bad way they just want to change your mindset that they might have or change the way they see something and they want to experience life differently.

When I found Boudoir photography I was actually a world-renowned wedding photographer I'd ranked number one in the state in area for years and I did it because people asked me to Boudoir was something fun for brides and something my clients wanted me to do but I actually hated it and I'll tell you why.

When I found boudoir I'd only seen it in this cookie cutter here I am lingerie smiling being cutesy not real not themselves not actually showing who they are type of way and I couldn't stand it I felt fake I felt like I wasn't doing anybody a service I was doing actually everybody a disservice by doing it.

Until one day two Boudoir photographers moved into my area and I said perfect I don't have to do this anymore they do I'll send everybody to them and my husband said why would you do that people love you. And I explained that I wasn't being true to myself I wasn't being true to my clients and that that version of boudoir in my opinion hurt people's confidence more than it helped. So he asked me what I would do he asked how I would shoot boudoir or run a Boudoir company in a way that was different than all of this and a way that was the way that I saw it I guess and I explained, real Boudoir for me meant cracking these people open to their shell and find out who they are and showing them the beauty in that not creating some false ideology that society tells us needs to happen in order to feel pretty and be beautiful and be amazing and accepted and thought out and attractive. I wanted to create art that was not only true to myself but was true to their authentic self as well.

When you look at my work you'll see I don't edit out real things cellulite stretch marks scars it's you and it's awesome and it tells your story and that's the authentic you and I'm here to show you and teach you how f****** badass that is. So for me when I decided to open the Boudoir Studio and provide this Boudoir experience to women and couples I knew it had to be different I knew I had to do more for my clients I had to be more and I've spent every day since opening in June of 2017 furthering myself in my education to make sure that I can create an experience for all people to dive into their authentic self and be true to themselves through this experience and also come out with some gorgeous ass art pun intended.

Watching my clients transform from our first virtual coffee date where we talk about their Boudoir experience and I get to know them and they get to know me to them doing their homework assignments and asking me questions and going through the preparations and the questionnaires and getting to know themselves deeper and then to the photo experience and the after homework and then they're viewing and just all of it is a transformation that changes them if they really put in the work and I know that makes me a little different in the sense that I do ask my clients to put in work and to invest in themselves.

You can ask any of my clients they're going to tell you a few things about me they're going to say brii is so much fun she's going to feel like your best friend, she's going to be by your side through it all you're going to laugh and have fun and share this experience with her in a way that's so different but you're also going to put in work because she doesn't accept you seeing yourself as well or not being your best self she wants the best for you. And sometimes I think that's hard for people to hear I think when they book someone they just expect okay you're here for a service you're here to do this I'm paying you this is what happens for me it's a little different I'm here for you. I'm in your corner but that doesn't mean I'm not going to call your b******* because real friends call out your b*******. I want the moment you see your images from your Boudoir session to be so impactful but I want every other moment during this experience to be impactful too.

Once I show my clients their images it's like everything comes together from the homework to the meetings to the whole experience the transformation and then of course the images they finally see themselves the way that I saw them the whole time the way that their loved ones see them the way that the world sees them and they finally walk with that confidence they finally hold that confidence.

Every time I meet someone and they let me in and tell me their story and I get to know them and they do the homework and put in the work and they show up for themselves I feel like I give a little bit of myself to them a little piece of me literally like goes into them and they're in like my heart forever and I feel like that's ridiculous to say but like they impact me just as much as I impact them and they are always pushing me in these Boudoir experiences always bring me back to my authentic self as much as I'm bringing other people into their authentic self.

But then people say but why bri why are you so invested in this why is this something that you feel like you need to do. I could give a million reasons but instead I'm just going to tell you a little bit about myself.

I grew up in a family where I was definitely the black sheep I was an artist in a sports family I was in a larger body than the other children around me I never really fit in so I think as I grew up I changed myself to fit in a mold what was normal and what society wanted and what people around me wanted I fought to find the answers that people wanted from me instead of the answers that I wanted to give. I didn't know who my authentic self was because I didn't feel as if it was safe to even be my authentic self.

I remember when I started college and I signed up to go to be an EMT and thinking back I have no idea why except for maybe the pressure to make other people around me happy and be what other people wanted me to be because Art's always been my life it's always been who I am it's always been how I expressed myself so it's how I found myself and when I wasn't in touch with art I knew I wasn't being my authentic self. So as I met my husband at 17 and slowly found that he accepted me not for what everybody wanted from me but for what I wanted for me and I slowly started breaking this mold that I had formed around myself that was somebody else and I started chipping away these pieces of the unauthenticity in finding my way back to my authentic and building the person I always wanted to be instead of building the person that everybody else wanted.

B Boudoir photography has really taught me to stand on my TV as my most authentic self and to own it it's taught me to dive deeper into that self instead of pushing it away it's taught me to fight so hard for who I am so that I can teach other women to fight for who they are to their core.

Boudoir for me is just so much more than pictures so much more than they experience and it hold on for life if you let it. I've gone to school after school and taking course after course and I watch the photographers around me take photography courses and I just find myself wondering if that would be the best thing but then I feel my core that as a Boudoir photographer to be my authentic self to make my impact and make people find their authentic self that I needed to take schools and courses that taught me more about people's confidence people's intimacy people's bodies and how to talk to people in a way that makes them grow so you asked me for my qualifications or anything along those lines and probably going to give you a list of courses in schools that are built on bettering people not just bettering art.

Because if we're really talking about what Boudoir photography is for that's what it's meant for and if we're talking about why people should be a boudoir photographer this is why they should want to help you so much that they take all the time and energy to provide an experience to you that will change your life.

I want to teach you to celebrate you I want to teach you to love you but I want to teach you to make every choice for you in the most authentic way possible.

I've had a Boudoir session I've been here I've indulged in this experience and found the way that other people see me through these experiences instead of the way that I see myself and it's been beautiful.

As I provide this to all genders and all people and all couples and throuples. I find myself growing true and true to myself and I find I need the most incredible amazing people with the most incredible stories and I can't wait to hear yours.


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