The Boudoir Studio Experience is for everyone, Moms included.

Every morning I wake up and get ready for the day, preparing the kids for school and such.
I used to try to avoid the mirror because I didn’t like what I saw when I looked.
Having kids does that to you; your body changes in ways you don’t expect. Where there once was a nice, flat tummy, now sits a “mom pooch” and it used to bother me immensely.
Those feelings changed for me after Brii. Last year I had my first session with her and it was literally life changing for me in so many ways. Having my make up done and my hair done, which I RARELY do myself, was great just by itself. I was worried I wouldn’t love myself in any of the outfits, but Brii already had items picked out for me and it was really hard NOT to love each of them. It’s definitely a skill to be able to look at someone and know what will look flattering on them, and she has that skill ten fold. The session itself was amazing and empowering, but that is only part of what helped to change my view of myself. The things I worried I would dislike really weren’t even things I noticed when looking at the photos. What did stand out was how beautiful I looked and felt. That came across through the photos, despite how awkward I am in real life. Hanging on my wall in my bedroom is one the photos from that session, right next to our bed. I see it every morning, so on those off days where I feel gross, I look at the picture and I am instantly reminded that the mirror deceives me. I am the gorgeous woman in that photo and that is the real me. I have since had several sessions with brii, and each one is more empowering than the last. She continues to empower me and encourage me to always see that version of myself. And to embrace those curves and imperfections we all have. Everyone deserves to feel that way and everyone needs to know how that feels.


Halloween Couples Session : Pumpkin Head man : North Carolina boudoir


Witch Group Session : I can do both :P North Carolina Boudoir