The mission

The Boudoir Studio is shattering expectations and igniting your raw, powerful YOU.

she's on a mission to help YOU do the same.
certified Sexologist with over 15 years of experience capturing the divine feminine energy of over 2,000 women (and couples!).

But the camera's just the start. Our pre-shoot assignments are your self-love bootcamp. Discussions, activities, and courses designed to challenge your beliefs, unveil your sensuality, and awaken the goddess within.

This isn't just a boudoir shoot.
It's a transformation.

A chance to shed the layers and embrace your authentic, sexual core.

more than just pretty pictures – it's a dance with liberation that leaves you feeling like a damn force of nature.

Brii cuts through the BS and empowers you to own your sexuality.

Leave here different. raw, edgy, and unforgettable. You won't just walk out with stunning photos, you'll walk out confident, unstoppable, and ready to conquer the world with a fire in your eyes.

This isn't about vanity, it's about revolution.

I push the beings in front of me to be their most authentic selves + fight for their desires & wants within their life & within the bedroom.

I create an erotic intimate self-building experience that changes the lives of the people who walk through my door.

Vibing with my clients is important, coming here into a safe space, laying out your desires, insecurities, and kinks & you may have never thought you would ever tell another person & trusting me with them to learn to accept, & strive for those desires, beat out those insecurities, embrace those kinks & be all of you.

The strength + vulnerability of every being, the intricacies of desire, longing, passion, beauty & love are breathtaking β€”are exquisite & enticing things to experience, cherish & capture. It's all mindset.

  • I’m the erotic sexual deviant, who started The Boudoir Studio here in North Carolina.

    Certified Sex Coach + Body Image + Healing Specialist + Intimacy Coordinator, + Erotic Artist creating the intense intimate imagery.

    I’m pretty much the best hype person ever, probably the NY in me, WE LOVE HYPE.

    I’m the wife to the sexiest man ever, we have an adorable shithead of a son who is seven, the light of our lives & the cause of my dark eye circles + eye wrinkles. I love creating, cooking, painting, baking….

    I believe life is for laughter + that means playing floor is lava + having nerf gun fights, dance parties…

North Carolina boudoir photography session

Did you know?

The boudoir Studio is in the holy Grail of locations?
Even though it looks like we are in the middle of bum f*#$ if you know what I mean...We are actually

Just 15 minutes from Virginia
40 minutes from Tennessee
2 hours to West Virginia
2.5 hours to South Carolina
3 hours to Kansas

The easy access from these amazing states makes it easier for people from all around to come + have our amazing experience within a day trip!
How amazing is that?!


 encompass all the body love. Black bodies, non-Black bodies, queer bodies, trans bodies, big bodies, small bodies, fat bodies, thin bodies, common bodies, uncommon bodies, disabled bodies, non-disabled bodies, athletic bodies, couch bodies, servicing bodies, surviving bodies, thriving bodies, powerful bodies, spiritual bodies, and any other kind of body you can think of, we want it!

  • I create a safe space to explore + create art from kinks, desires, & fantasies. We encourage + push clients towards self-growth within their confidence, their view of themselves, their desires, & their strength through the experience of intimate photography.

    Beauty is not bound by
    β€’ age
    β€’gender identity
    β€’socio-economic class

    Beauty is not one thing or one look, not one color or one size.

    People of all ages, shapes & sizes are GORGEOUS. All individuals & couples together deserve to be appreciated & celebrated.

  • Sex is such a remarkable impactful part of everyone’s an intimacy artist & certified sex coach I provide everyone no matter their * walk of life* gender* sexual preferences * size an erotica photography experience in which they finally see themselves as the strong beautiful sexual being they really are.
    I create an intimate self-building, pleasure-releasing, emotion-evoking experience my experiences include

    erotic assignments,

    couples homework,

    self-growth tasks

    & more

    to bring you into your most confident & most pleasurable intimate life.